The Vina Carmen Gala Dinner with Charlie Sheen

Dinner with Charlie Sheen

April 10 2019

Charlie Sheen

On Wednes­day 10th April we wel­comed Hol­ly­wood star Char­lie Sheen to Bois­dale of Canary Wharf, to accept the Life­time Achieve­ment Award from The Irish Post and then sat down with LBC Broad­cast­er Nick Fer­rari for a Q&A. The event was in asso­ci­a­tion with the Irish Post and sup­port­ed by Roc­co Buon­vi­no Pro­duc­tions, David­off Cig­ars and Silkie Whiskey.

Guests arrived to deli­cious Silkie Whiskey cock­tails, Belvedere mar­ti­nis and our own Bois­dale Pre­mier Cru Chamap­gane. Before the cer­e­mo­ny, a scrump­tious 3 course menu designed by Exec­u­tive Chef Andy Rose was served, paired with the per­fect Vina Car­men Wines.

It was a great night had by all with Char­lie in fine form and ready to tack­le the Hol­ly­wood scene once again!