The Botanist Gin Garden at Boisdale of Belgravia

Georgia Toffolo at the Belgravia Botanist Gin Garden

May 20 2019

Bel­gravia Flower Show 2019 is proud to announce the launch of The Botanist Gar­den at Bois­dale of Bel­gravia on Mon­day 20th May and spon­sored by The Botanist Islay Dry Gin offi­cial­ly opened by tele­vi­sion and media per­son­al­i­ty Geor­gia Tof­fo­lo.

The Botanist Gar­den will be a cel­e­bra­tion of The Botanist Islay Dry Gin and Bois­dale of Belgravia’s Scot­tish her­itage por­trayed through a brand new for­aged gin cock­tail menu and the restaurant’s flo­ral instal­la­tion of nat­ur­al foliage and flo­rals inspired by the 22 hand for­aged botan­i­cals from the Isle of Islay, the south­ern­most of the Inner Hebrides islands and home of The Botanist.

Wild High­land foliage, fra­grant flo­rals, blooms and ros­es will adorn The Botanist Gar­den to cre­ate a botan­i­cal mas­ter­class and fill the restau­rant with fresh spring scents, whilst guests enjoy a selec­tion of per­fect­ly served for­aged gin cock­tails devised in col­lab­o­ra­tion with The Botanist through­out the months of May and June along­side the finest British produce.

Ranald & Toff