The Boisdale Music Awards 2021

Boisdale Music Awards 2021

September 14 2021

On Tues­day 14th Sep­tem­ber 2021, Boisdale’s Patron of Music Jools Hol­land and Ferne McCann host­ed The Bois­dale Music Awards on the Yama­ha Music Lon­don stage at Bois­dale of Canary Wharf, in cel­e­bra­tion of the great­est musi­cians in jazz, soul, blues, reg­gae and pop.

The evening began with a VIP cock­tail recep­tion where the star stud­ded guests includ­ing Emeli Sande, Birdy, Ken­ney Jones, Naughty Boy, Tal­lia Storm, Suzi Qua­tro, Omar and Paul Young enjoyed Tequi­la Codi­go 1530 Rosa Palo­ma cock­tails before a three course gala din­ner of Bois­dale clas­sic dish­es served with incred­i­ble wines from Ter­razas de los Andes.

The elec­tric atmos­phere con­tin­ued with a high-spir­it­ed awards cer­e­mo­ny where each deserv­ing win­ner gave a spec­tac­u­lar and inti­mate per­for­mance. Ferne, Jools and each spon­sor wel­comed the award win­ners to present their award cer­tifi­cates and bot­tles of Glen­morang­ie X whiskey, Emi­nente rum or Codi­go 1530 tequila.

This made for an evening that con­sist­ed of 13 mag­i­cal per­for­mances from some of the best artists across the world, includ­ing spon­ta­neous cheers from the crowd demand­ing ​‘one more song’ from the leg­endary Suzi Quatro.

And for the first time ever the Bois­dale Music Awards fea­tured the all new Char­lie Watts Award in hon­our of the leg­endary Rolling Stones sticks­man and to recog­nise incred­i­ble rock and roll drum­mers and leg­endary musi­cal tal­ent such as Ken­ney Jones of the Small Faces and the Who who col­lect­ed the award on the night.

Boisdale Music Awards 2021




Pre­sent­ed by Grace Pear­son of Ter­razas de los Andes

WIN­NER — Claire Martin

The OBE has per­formed world­wide and is a crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed tour-de-force on the UK jazz scene.

RUN­NER UP — Tom Seals

Hailed as the UK’s finest boo­gie woo­gie and blues pianist / vocalist.


Pre­sent­ed by Jonathan Wingate of Bois­dale Life Magazine

WIN­NER — Acan­tha Lang

A soul artist born and raised in New Orleans with cred­its includ­ing Cha­ka Khan, Prince and Roy Ayers to name a few.

RUN­NER UP — Mar­cus Bonfanti

Twice win­ner of the British Blues Awards for Best Acoustic Per­former and Best Song­writer as well as count­less nom­i­na­tions in oth­er categories.


Pre­sent­ed by Eliz­a­beth Fox of Vis­it Jamaica

WIN­NER — Car­roll Thompson

Known as the Queen of Lovers Rock, Carroll’s break­out moment came in 1981 when her debut album Hope­less­ly in Love sold over one mil­lion copies worldwide.

RUN­NER UP — Janet Kay

Janet has become one of Britain’s fore­most reg­gae vocal­ists and in 2003 was vot­ed one of the 100 Great Black Britons.


Pre­sent­ed by Lady Clay­ton of Glen­coe & Lochbar

WIN­NER — Caitlin

Bud­ding pop-star and sis­ter to Brit Awards nom­i­nat­ed star Birdie.

RUN­NER UP — Emi­ly Capell

Singer and song­writer Emi­ly has brought a new genre of coun­try, ska, doo wopp and pop to the music scene.


Pre­sent­ed by Elgin Loane of The Wren Press

WIN­NER — Musclehead

Lloyd ​‘Mus­cle­head’ Sax­on is a DJ sound sys­tem icon and co-founder of the esteemed Sax­on Sound.

RUN­NER UP — Mike Read

Read’s broad­cast­ing career began in 1976 and he is best known for being a DJ at BBC Radio 1.


Pre­sent­ed by Stephen Davies of Yama­ha Music London

WIN­NER — Albert Lee

The Dou­ble Gram­my Award Win­ner start­ed his career dur­ing the emerg­ing rock ​‘n’ roll scene of 60s Lon­don and became one of the most respect­ed and renowned gui­tarists in music history.

RUN­NER UP — Ben Waters

Boo­gie Woo­gie and New Orleans R&B star who has per­formed at the world’s most icon­ic venues.


Pre­sent­ed by Gor­don Mac of Mi-Soul Radio

WIN­NER — Emeli Sande

Emeli’s debut album Our Ver­sion of Events broke a chart record set by the Bea­t­les and has since won two Brit Awards in 2013, per­formed an icon­ic show at Glas­ton­bury, and opened the Lon­don 2012 Olympics.

RUN­NER UP — Mica Paris

Mica Paris is one of the UK’s finest and most respect­ed singers with a long career of hit sin­gles and albums mark­ing her out as the undis­put­ed British queen of soul.


Pre­sent­ed by Richard Burge of Lon­don Cham­ber of Com­merce & Industry

WIN­NER — Leee John

Leee came to the world’s atten­tion with his group Imag­i­na­tion which he found­ed in the ear­ly 80s and has since cel­e­brat­ed 30 years in the enter­tain­ment industry.

RUN­NER UP — Stephen Trif­fitt

As part of the orig­i­nal cast of The Rat Pack — Live from Las Vegas, Stephen has per­formed on both sides of the Atlantic with sell-out shows in Las Vegas and London.


Pre­sent­ed by Steve Hal­lam of Jump Events

WIN­NER — Omar

With­out doubt one of the great­est soul music tal­ents the UK has ever produced.

RUN­NER UP — Rebec­ca Ferguson

Award win­ning British singer / song­writer and TV per­son­al­i­ty who reached the final of The X Fac­tor in 2010 whilst her debut album Heav­en received both com­mer­cial and crit­i­cal success.


Sup­port­ed by Abi Dodds of Tequi­la Codi­go 1530

WIN­NER — Paul Young

Eng­lish singer, song­writer and musi­cian. For­mer­ly the front­man of the bands Kat Kool & the Kool Cats, Street­band and Q‑Tips, he became a teen idol with his solo suc­cess in the 80s.

RUN­NER UP — The Brand New Heavies

The lead­ing band of Lon­don’s acid jazz scene, The Brand New Heav­ies have trans­lat­ed their love of sophis­ti­cat­ed 70s funk grooves into an evolv­ing dance­able sound.


Pre­sent­ed by Grace Pear­son of Emi­nente Rum

WIN­NER — Tony Iommi

Tony Iom­mi is syn­ony­mous with heavy rock, his inno­v­a­tive, de-tuned, dark riffs are con­sid­ered to be the blue­print for hun­dreds of bands that followed.


Pre­sent­ed by Ranald Mac­don­ald of Bois­dale Restau­rants & Bars

WIN­NER — Suzi Quatro

The queen of rock, Suzi reached num­ber one in the UK with her sin­gles ​“Can The Can” and ​“Dev­il Gate Dri­ve” in the 70s.


Pre­sent­ed by Jools Hol­land and Ferne McCann

WIN­NER — Ken­ney Jones

A liv­ing leg­end of rock music. Found­ing mem­ber of the Small Faces, drum­mer with the Faces and the Who and mem­ber of the Rock ​‘N’ Roll Hall of Fame.


Pre­sent­ed by Grave Pear­son of Glen­morang­ie X

WIN­NER — Osibisa

Found­ed in 1969, Osi­bisa gained enig­mat­ic momen­tum in the 70s with UK chart hits includ­ing ​“Dance The Body Music” and the icon­ic ​“Sun­shine Day”.

Music Awards 2021