Boisdale Life Editors Lunch & Awards 2021

Editors Lunch 2021

July 13 2021

In what was one of the first major media events in the cap­i­tal after lock­down, Bois­dale Life and Mai­son Mirabeau host­ed 170 guests at the fourth annu­al Editor’s Lunch & Awards at Bois­dale of Canary Wharf.

The lunch is held annu­al­ly to thank the writ­ers, inter­vie­wees and key part­ners that have sup­port­ed and par­tic­i­pat­ed in the suc­cess of Bois­dale Life over the pre­vi­ous year. It also rec­og­nizes London’s most influ­en­tial diary writ­ers and influ­encers from the Bois­dale Life com­mu­ni­ty who have chron­i­cled the restaurant’s gre­gar­i­ous and often-mis­chie­vous spirit.

Yesterday’s guests includ­ed respect­ed jour­nal­ists, opin­ion writ­ers, broad­cast­ers and com­men­ta­tors includ­ing Julia Hart­ley Brew­er, Lizzie Cundy, Mary Killen, Bruce Ander­son, Rachel Cun­liffe, Ben Oliv­er, Har­ry Cole and Con Cough­lin, plus food and drinks writ­ers William Sitwell, Bill Knott, Valen­tine Warn­er, Joe War­wick, and pop stars Tal­lia Storm, Rebec­ca Fer­gu­son, Acan­tha Lang, The Brand New Heav­ies and Leee John.

There was an excit­ing col­lec­tion of awards up for grabs this year with the Best Fea­ture of Year award­ed to Joan­na Bell, Cul­ture Fea­ture of the Year award­ed to Jonathan Wingate and The Brand New Heav­ies, Drinks Arti­cle of the Year award­ed to Ed Cum­ming, Writer of the Year award­ed to Con Cough­lin, Food Arti­cle of the Year award­ed to Rose Prince, Table Talk Arti­cle of the Year award­ed to Olivia Utley, Pur­suits Arti­cle of the Year award­ed to Rob Crossan, Bön Viveur of the Year award­ed to Bill Knott and the Life Time Achieve­ment award­ed to Peter McKay.

Need­less to say the lunch was still in full swing as the sun was set­ting in East London.

Editors Lunch